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Boogie Down with Bold Leadership

2025 YADAPP Conference

Date and Location:
Christopher Newport University
July 14-18, 2025

Registration opens April 1st.

Rising 9th through rising 12th grade student leaders along with an Adult Sponsor are invited to participate in this conference to develop a strategic prevention plan to address alcohol or other drug use among their peers.

During the kick off conference, Participants will engage in workshops facilitated by peer leaders, hear from internationally-known motivational speakers and learn peer leadership and prevention best practices to support the development of their Strategies To Act Now (STAN) Plan.


Enrollment will take place via an online registration system. All conference materials and year-long coaching and support from Virginia ABC is included once registered. Below you will find Participation forms and an Information Packet which outlines everything Adult Sponsors and Participants need to know about the conference, including: Meeting Expectations, Code of Conduct and Dress Code.

All attendees are required to review the Enrollment Packet below and submit Participation Forms on the Registration Site.

Forms (coming soon):

  • 2025 YADAPP Conference Enrollment Packet
  • Student Participant Agreement Form
  • Adult Sponsor Agreement Form
  • Health Forms (attendees will be contacted with special instructions)

YADAPP values our partnerships and invites community partners to include: foundation members, non-profit executive leadership and administrators interested in learning more about the YADAPP program for the purposes of attending one of our onsite orientations. Partners must submit a request form no later than July 1.

  • Visitor Request Form (PDF)

Early Bird Enrollment ($500)

  • April 1 to April 30

Regular Enrollment ($600)

  • May 1 to June 1

All conference materials, meals, lodging, and year-long coaching and support from Virginia ABC is included in enrollment fee.

Changes to Teams cannot be made after June 1.

Only one Team per school or organization may enroll for the YADAPP Kick-Off Conference. The four students who attend the conference are the individuals who will lead the prevention initiative throughout the rest of the year at their school or in their community. If more than four students wish to be involved, they can be involved in implementation following the Kick-Off Conference.

Adult Sponsors are expected to lead only one Team during the conference and throughout the year. During the conference, Adult Sponsors will meet with their Teams and Youth Staff during scheduled times which does not allow for the division of time between multiple Teams.


Want to get updates on enrollment and other YADAPP alerts? Sign up below.

Forming a YADAPP Team

YADAPP Teams are comprised of four Participants and one Adult Sponsor. Teams should be committed to working together throughout the school year to develop, implement and evaluate the STAN Plan they create at the annual kick-off conference.

View tips for identifying Participants.

View tips on identifying Adult Sponsors.


The YADAPP kick-off conference is a unique experience that requires concentration and energy throughout the conference. Adult Sponsors are expected to be in a mental and physical capacity that allows them to appropriately chaperone and assume responsibility for their YADAPP Team as well as attend and fully participate in all conference sessions.

Anxieties and distractions can be difficult to manage when Participants are focusing on the development of their STAN Plan. We ask that Adult Sponsors ensure that their Participants are able to fully participate in all YADAPP experiences and are not distracted by outside stressors prior to participating in the conference. It is important for Participants to be both mentally and physically present the entire conference.

Candid pictures/screenshots will be taken during the conference. These photos may be posted on the YADAPP website, social media and/or used in promotional or prevention materials. No names or personal information will be associated with any picture without permission.

YADAPP conducts a background check on all Adult Sponsors and YADAPP staff 18 years or older.

Contact Us


Community Health & Engagement
Virginia ABC
[email protected]